Ford Excursion features

Specifications Ford Excursion: Power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), reversal radius, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires.

Excursion 2000 Characteristics 2000 - 2005

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
6.0 TD. 239(325)/3300 3331
7.3 183(249)/2600 3267
5.4 188(256)/4500 3031
6.8 228(310)/4250 3080

Ford Excursion (Ford Exserved) presented his huge SUV at Dallas Motor Show in March 1999, after several months of hypers and spy photos. Built on the platform of new heavy pickups of the Super Duty series (Super Duty), Excursion (excursion) is the largest representative of the SUV class in the United States. It accommodates up to 9 passengers and provides an unprecedented stock of the foot, heads and shoulders of passengers, as well as cargo. Although Excursion became the object of criticism from the environmentalists of the environment, the company declares that more than 80% of the components of this huge car are made from the processed raw materials, and the engines meet the most stringent environmental requirements.