Renault Zoe.

RENAULT ZOE: characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

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Buy Renault Zoe.

Renault Zoe, presented at the 82th Motor Show in Geneva, can deservedly demand the title of the leader in the "Electromobile for everyday urban use" segment. Zoe is located in the same niche as its fellow - gasoline Renault Clio. With a pretty democratic price tag and the size of the class "Compact", the car is distinguished by a comfortable interior, a high stroke stock without additional recharging, a decent implementation of the management system.

Disassembling Renault Traffic

Renault zoe heart is a 65-kilowatt electric motor located on anterior axis that is fed from the rear sofa, lithium-ion batteries, with indicators of 88 l. / S. and 220 nm, which is quite enough for a comfortable urban ride. The gearbox is missing. Direct transmission is implemented only by two pedals. The engine work is pleasantly quiet, the car movement is soft, in a short time it is achieved and significant acceleration - until the first hundred Zoe accelerates in 13.5 seconds. The hatchback is equipped with MichLine Energy E-V tires created structurally exclusively for electric vehicles.

Equipment batteries are designed by LG specialists. With the most favorable road conditions, 210 km can be overcome on one charging. Renault manufacturers rate the ability to "extra-rapid" charging as an indisputable advantage, so a 22-kilovatte charging supplied in the kit, if you wish for a surcharge, it can be replaced by a more productive - by 43 kW, which allows for only 30 minutes to replenish the energy reserve to 80%, and With a complete charge to drive up to 400 km.

The electrocar chassis is collected from the elements of the CLIO and Megane hatchbacks, and the more compact body is designed specifically at the rate of "under electricity". The car is equipped with a navigation system, air conditioning, a heater, an air ionizer, a charge level monitoring system, salon air toxicity sensor, an information and entertainment system, ABS + EBD system, a start assistant on a rise, anti-slip system, four airbags.