Opel Cadet 5 doors

Opel Cadet 5 doors: features and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Opel Cadet 5 doors photo

Prices for Opel Cadet 5 doors (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
1984 9 44 004 89 786 6 40 620 9
1985 46 58 344 25 646 6 58 701 38
1986 46 57 485 78 563 6 55 916 46
1987 38 61 000 44 118 6 61 241 37
1988 30 55 744 70 556 7 54 469 30
1989 16 61 209 64 138 6 61 312 10
1990 20 78 654 62 850 6 80 303 20
1991 21 67 786 74 406 6 67 240 20

Buy Opel Cadet 5 doors

Opel Kadett.

Model Opel Kadett.For the first time on sale in 1937, is one of the oldest models of this brand. Her release was interrupted for as many as 22 years, and then resumed in 1962 and lasted for another 30 years. During this time, the light of five generations of the model saw the light, the last of which was available in three types of body - sedan, station wagon and 3-door hatchback. The most powerful of the modifications was equipped with a gasoline engine with a capacity of 60 hp. (1.4 l.) In a pair with a 4-speed "mechanics". The more modest version was equipped with a gasoline engine with a capacity of 59 hp. (1.4 l), front-wheel drive and 5-speed mechanics. Despite the popularity of the model, its technical characteristics are difficult to call outstanding.