Opel Astra 3 doors

Opel Astra 3 doors: characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Crash Test Astra 3 Doors GTC since 2005

Crash Test Astra 3 GTC doors since 2005: Details
Driver and passengers

Crash Test Astra 3 Doors 1998 - 2004

Crash Test Astra 3 Doors 1998 - 2004: Details
Driver and passengers

Prices for Opel Astra 3 doors (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
1991 6 117 590 - 6 117 590 6
1992 8 105 052 100 479 6 105 835 8
1993 7 116 645 - 6 116 645 7
1994 7 139 663 - 6 139 663 7
1995 7 119 110 96 206 6 128 280 6
1996 7 167 821 118 651 6 177 655 7
1997 6 147 081 166 762 6 143 167 6
1998 10 240 017 239 139 7 240 188 9
1999 20 254 565 263 858 7 252 244 10
2000 10 273 671 289 690 6 270 656 9
2001 10 310 961 311 149 7 310 888 9
2002 9 308 923 314 274 7 309 900 8
2003 9 321 796 357 633 6 314 908 8
2004 16 361 778 336 777 7 369 505 10
2005 21 417 671 431 665 10 398 092 8
2006 48 446 891 453 008 30 439 223 22
2007 102 483 948 492 485 48 478 108 66
2008 108 516 157 524 190 62 508 361 63
2009 38 531 198 524 252 22 539 150 21
2010 88 663 512 685 157 46 641 508 46
2011 88 741 462 775 015 46 709 899 46
2012 72 842 948 874 723 35 808 386 35
2013 77 985 008 1 050 140 46 875 269 30

Buy Opel Astra 3 doors