Reviews about Mercedes from specialists

Data on typical Mercedes Benz faults are assembled from specialists from service stations, based on their repair and maintenance of a large number of cars Mercedes Benz
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Mercedes malfunctions

The famous Mercedes brand always takes care of its customers, creating comfortable driving conditions for them, a high level of security and a representative appearance of cars. But, despite the fact that Mercedes has established itself firmly in the market, the faults happen in the car of this brand. Mercedes-Benz C320

Typical mercedes malfunctions You can explore in the special section of Bibipedia. Consulted with the specialists of the service center, we have collected the necessary information in order for the owners themselves to pre-diagnose the problem. Data on damage is decorated in summary tables on models and generations. At the moment, on the site you can get acquainted with mercedes-Benz problems C-Klasse, Mercedes-Benz Cl, Mercedes-Benz CLK, Mercedes-Benz Cls, Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse, Mercedes-Benz Gl-Klasse, Mercedes-Benz Gl-Klasse, Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse, Mercedes-Benz R-KLASSE, MERCEDES-BENZ S-KLASSE, MERCEDES-BENZ SL-KLASSE, MERCEDES-BENZ SLK-KLASSE.

All information is divided into graphs corresponding to the main parts of the car: engine, transmission, suspension, brake system, startup system, air conditioning, electrician, body. IN engine Mercedes. C-Klasse W203 2000 - 2004 A mass flow sensor failure is possible, and in CL 63 AMG C216 2007 - 2010. Damage to gaskets of valve covers. The owners of C-KLASSE W203 2003 should be taken into account that the modification of C230 sometimes requires replacing the front suspension lever sleeves, etc.

Your attention is also offered recommendations from service centers and repair Mercedes, as well as estimated prices for basic parts.