Toyota Tercel configuration

Data on the basic and optional Toyota Tercel: specific information about the installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices on Toyota Tercel, on average, in Russia (updated on April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars on sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
Average price s
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total on sale with automatic transmission Average price s
Manual transmission, rubles
Total on sale with manual transmission
1987 6 51 319 51 319 6 - 6
1988 6 144 315 70 556 6 218 060 6
1989 6 67 346 51 319 6 - 6
1990 7 132 987 119 295 6 160 333 6
1991 16 122 485 122 499 10 120 432 7
1992 10 128 637 127 206 9 141 099 6
1993 10 150 084 147 469 9 157 937 7
1994 10 147 554 149 010 9 115 019 6
1995 10 167 149 169 257 10 128 280 6
1996 8 185 245 190 864 8 149 651 6
1997 10 193 217 196 168 9 181 417 7
1998 10 213 637 217 085 9 192 925 6