Configuration Mitsubishi Pajero 3 doors

Data on the basic and optional settings of Mitsubishi Pajero 3 doors: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Mitsubishi Pajero 3 doors, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1994 6 233 028 - 6 233 028 6
1995 7 252 211 260 755 7 192 405 6
1996 8 241 852 246 603 8 179 591 6
1997 10 271 719 270 401 9 269 379 6
2000 9 316 382 310 112 9 391 235 6
2001 10 338 001 338 799 9 327 279 7
2002 9 349 781 356 387 8 319 086 6
2003 10 363 294 364 655 9 355 965 6
2004 10 381 115 381 245 10 384 820 6
2005 9 417 449 408 645 8 416 893 6
2006 8 426 166 419 461 8 465 635 6
2007 7 450 944 446 044 7 487 442 6
2008 8 548 653 554 416 7 - 6
2009 9 526 249 517 562 8 527 208 6
2010 8 535 176 547 657 7 445 759 6
2011 7 622 833 622 833 7 - 6
2012 6 667 028 - 6 - 6