The configuration Mitsubishi Mirage

Data on basic and optional Mitsubishi Mirage settings: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Mitsubishi Mirage, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1987 6 95 140 100 479 6 102 618 6
1988 7 81 878 83 214 7 79 208 6
1989 8 72 525 69 322 7 76 154 7
1990 8 69 120 66 380 7 70 704 7
1991 8 99 201 107 398 7 90 176 7
1992 10 115 752 117 848 8 106 895 6
1993 10 118 579 117 244 8 122 037 7
1994 8 136 547 140 065 7 122 499 6
1995 10 143 237 144 861 9 137 098 7
1996 9 178 461 182 392 8 155 207 6
1997 22 195 250 198 710 22 157 347 6
1998 33 196 643 196 168 31 194 547 6
1999 38 209 960 211 353 35 218 961 7
2000 46 227 487 228 666 46 227 230 7
2001 20 252 114 253 503 20 244 796 6
2002 10 260 814 256 318 9 302 306 6
2012 6 625 337 625 337 6 - 6
2013 6 650 354 650 354 6 - 6