Hardware Mercedes Benz C-Class T-Modell AMG

Information on the basic and optional settings of Mercedes Benz C-Class T-Modell AMG: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

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Prices for Mercedes Benz C-Class T-Modell AMG, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
2001 7 445 643 417 154 7 521 655 6
2002 7 512 279 504 534 7 523 362 6
2003 8 555 868 553 070 7 543 025 7
2004 7 631 526 655 332 7 560 089 6
2005 7 807 941 807 941 7 - 6
2006 6 795 301 795 301 6 - 6
2007 7 920 554 937 371 7 870 080 6
2008 9 981 101 1 011 588 8 920 148 7
2009 9 1 012 682 999 717 8 913 628 6
2010 7 1 152 239 1 184 613 7 974 240 6
2011 6 1 411 012 1 411 012 6 - 6
2012 6 1 532 237 1 532 237 6 - 6
2013 6 1 895 527 1 895 527 6 - 6