The configuration of Lincoln

The configuration of Lincoln models: data on the basic and optional equipment of various versions and modifications.

The configuration of Lincoln

Long story Linsoln brand car production began in the early XX century. Lincoln Aviator 2004Named after Abraham Lincoln, the company specializes in luxury cars and produces high quality vehicles, primarily for officers.

Unlike other companies, Lincoln does not increase its model range. As a rule, the company invests all efforts to improve quality, and not into the increase in diversity.

Lincoln Motor was founded in August 1917. Communication Cadillac Henry M. Leland, specializing in the release of aircraft engines during the First World War, decided to re-equip the company's plants for the production of luxury cars. The creator has faced a number of problems: retrofitting machines cost a lot of money, it was difficult to compete with other brands. By 1922, the company produced only 150 cars and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Ford Motor Lincoln bought for $ 8000 000. Not making a serious change in fact Ford was able to boost sales in the mountain. The production of car for the police was the next step for the company.

One of the most significant practices in the history of Lincoln was the release of limousines for US presidents. The first was the limousine for Franklin D. Mravelt in 1939. In 1962, Kennedy killed in Lincoln Continental. After what happened, The configuration of Lincoln underwent restoration: added armored glass and body.

Currently, the company's line includes models with various bodies and lincoln equipment: Two American sedans, two crossovers and one SUV. By 2015, it is planned to replenish a number of more than seven new models.