Hardware Land Rover Freilender

Data on basic and optional Land Rover Fleerender: Specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Land Rover Freelander, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1998 25 416 378 - 6 416 970 25
1999 31 431 005 - 6 430 044 31
2000 37 443 217 471 406 7 441 441 35
2001 33 468 480 480 030 20 455 933 20
2002 46 502 577 512 441 31 467 976 16
2003 37 518 153 521 398 30 504 813 9
2004 46 583 558 587 232 31 566 590 9
2005 46 634 575 632 114 30 639 170 20
2006 22 672 985 694 013 10 651 184 10
2007 92 993 013 1 012 418 72 933 268 25
2008 212 1 073 444 1 083 896 172 1 023 933 46
2009 72 1 165 571 1 171 202 63 1 064 680 9
2010 99 1 346 113 1 340 504 89 1 328 921 16
2011 72 1 630 187 1 654 017 63 1 449 868 10
2012 80 1 843 658 1 842 719 72 1 801 125 8
2013 57 2 265 100 2 277 750 49 1 774 031 6