Hardware kia noum
Information on the basic and optional settings of KIA Noise: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.
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Prices for Kia Shuma, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)
Year of issue | Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) | Average price, rubles |
The average price of S. Automatic transmission, rubles |
Total for sale with automatic transmission | The average price of S. MCPP, rubles |
Total for sale with manual transmission |
1998 | 30 | 184 932 | 175 614 | 8 | 188 159 | 22 |
1999 | 25 | 191 271 | 225 088 | 8 | 183 007 | 22 |
2000 | 35 | 204 410 | 205 559 | 8 | 204 194 | 30 |
2001 | 33 | 234 034 | 275 383 | 7 | 228 075 | 30 |
2002 | 38 | 258 283 | 256 722 | 8 | 258 762 | 35 |
2003 | 67 | 267 826 | 268 788 | 16 | 267 444 | 57 |
2004 | 72 | 277 964 | 298 001 | 10 | 274 375 | 63 |