Equipment of Kia Rio 2011 - NV gasoline

Data on the basic and optional configuration of models Kia Rio Hatchback 2011 - NV gasoline.

Active safety and suspension

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Brakeflow electronic control system:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Electronic system of dynamic stabilization:NoNoNoYesNoNoNo
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Anti-contrast systems

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Immobilizer (immobilizer):YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Central locking:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Electrical locking rear doors (lock from children):NoNoNoNoNoNoNo
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Spare wheel

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Full-size spare wheels:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Multimedia and interactive equipment

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
4 Dynamics:YesYesYesNoNoYesNo
Automotive computer:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Audio preparation:YesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Wireless Bluetooth information exchange:NoNoNoYesNoNoNo
Nest for external audio player:NoNoYesYesYesYesYes
Dynamics: 6 (six pieces):NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Control buttons on the steering wheel:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
MP3 function:NoNoYesYesYesYesYes
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data


Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Athermal glazing (heat-absorbing):YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Climate control:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Air conditioning:YesYesYesNoNoYesNo
Mechanical driver seat height adjustment:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Custom steering position along the angle of inclination:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Equipped with keyless access:NoNoNoYesNoNoNo
Parking Sensors Rear:NoNoNoYesNoNoNo
Heated driver's chairs and front passenger:NoNoYesYesYesYesYes
Heated front side mirrors:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Heated steering:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Heated front glass:NoNoYesYesYesYesYes
Start-stop system:NoNoNoYesNoNoNo
Window Rear:NoNoYesYesYesYesYes
Firewater front:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Electric adjustable front side mirrors:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Features of the interior decoration

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Leather power grid and knob PPC:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Salon Upholstery Material: Fabric:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Armrest for driver and front passenger:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Features of the body

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Steel disks 15 inches, 185/65 R15:OptionOptionOptionNoNoOptionNo
Alloy wheels 15 inches, 185/65 R15:NoNoNoNoOptionNoOption
Alloy wheels 16 inches, 195/55 R15:NoNoNoOptionNoNoNo
Color mirrors in body color:YesYesYesNoNoYesNo
Color handles in Color Body:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Repellers of turnovering in lateral mirrors:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Body color: beige stone, metallic:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body Color: Blue, Metallic:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body color: Emerald green, pearl:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body color: Red grenades, pearl:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body color: crystal white, non-metallic:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body color: silver gloss, metallic:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body Color: Gray Carbon, Metallic:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body color: Blue sapphire, pearl:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Body color: black ghost, pearl:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Features lighting

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Front headlights with halogen lamps:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Fog lights:NoNoYesYesYesYesYes
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data

Security systems

Modifications:1.4 COMFORT automatic transmission1.4 COMFORT MCPP1.6 automatic transmission luxe1.6 automatic transmission Premium1.6 automatic transmission PRESTIGE1.6 MCPP LUXE1.6 MCPP PRESTIGE
Airbag driver:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Airbag front passenger:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Auto inclusion of accidents with strong braking:YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Airbags (Airbags) side front:NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Safety curtains (airbags):NoNoNoYesYesNoYes
There is There is No No Option Option There is no data There is no data