The configuration of Daikatsu Terios.

Data on the basic and optional settings of Daihaatsu Terios: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Choose a period of production Daihats Tegorios

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Prices for Daihatsu Terios, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1997 22 278 809 279 671 22 275 971 7
1998 16 293 465 299 335 10 280 918 7
1999 20 307 746 308 939 20 296 632 6
2000 20 328 554 329 834 16 317 689 7
2001 20 346 584 341 919 10 353 656 8
2002 10 337 368 337 164 9 338 644 6
2003 10 413 568 407 265 9 429 025 7
2004 9 413 146 414 856 8 440 404 6
2005 8 438 293 439 533 8 425 235 6
2006 10 621 532 625 964 10 580 441 6
2007 22 698 837 704 446 20 682 958 8
2008 38 791 164 796 445 30 784 339 16
2009 25 813 958 801 685 20 831 567 9
2010 10 837 033 853 944 7 828 738 8
2011 7 1 023 760 1 056 178 7 894 072 6
2012 6 1 254 515 1 254 515 6 - 6
2013 6 1 539 282 1 539 282 6 - 6