Honda HR-V

Honda HR-V: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Prices for Honda HR-V (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1999 205 377 483 374 885 108 380 932 88
2000 152 411 210 407 457 99 415 918 62
2001 77 431 992 438 331 46 421 015 31
2002 62 487 413 478 267 35 498 917 25
2003 46 523 835 524 148 31 521 822 20
2004 66 566 085 571 399 48 548 207 20
2005 46 612 131 609 447 37 646 506 7
2006 8 602 530 602 530 8 - 6

Buy Honda HR-V

Honda HR-V

This stylish car is very easy to learn on the street: Honda HR-V It makes an unforgettable impression due to the original wedge-shaped profile, round pharmaceans and a narrowed front part. Both body options (short-wing 3-door and long-beaded 5-door) implies galvanizing facing panels, thanks to which the machine is not afraid of corrosion. The model is not bad (ABS, air conditioning, power steering, power windows), although it does not boast of powerful technical characteristics of the power unit. 2 modifications with 125 hp gasoline engines are proposed. or 105 hp (with the same volume of 1.6 liters), often the longer-pass version is equipped with a more powerful engine. The system of automatically turned on the full drive allows you to transmit torque to the rear wheels in the case of slipping the front.