Dodge Viper.

Dodge Viper: characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Video Test Drives Dodge Viper

Prices for Dodge Viper (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1996 6 5 772 344 - 6 5 772 344 6
1997 6 1 924 116 - 6 1 924 116 6
1999 6 3 206 850 - 6 3 206 850 6
2003 6 3 303 056 - 6 3 303 056 6
2005 7 4 922 528 6 413 715 6 4 709 506 7
2009 6 5 161 438 - 6 5 161 438 6
2010 8 9 299 317 4 946 424 6 11 164 840 7
2013 8 7 830 858 6 798 530 7 8 553 458 7

Buy Dodge Viper.

Dodge Viper.

Aggressive, stylish and elegant model Dodge Viper. rightfully deserved the title of the most sporting from all American road cars. In 1996, he saw the second generation of the model in 2 modifications - coupe and roadster. The technical characteristics of the car are constantly being improved: so, the 2007 version was equipped with a 10-cylinder engine of 8.4 liters. (with a capacity of 600 hp) and a 6-speed mechanical gearbox Tremec T56. Modernization also touched the security system, which were significantly improved.