Audi Q7.

Audi Q7: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Video Test Drives Audi Q7

Krash Test Q7 2006 - 2009

Krash Test Q7 2006 - 2009: Details
Driver and passengers
Passenger children

Prices for Audi Q7 (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
2006 129 1 372 828 1 374 418 124 1 416 301 7
2007 230 1 552 998 1 549 417 228 1 715 819 7
2008 213 1 796 853 1 797 511 208 1 733 031 7
2009 131 2 098 010 2 091 949 122 2 105 888 7
2010 149 2 473 441 2 460 950 134 2 432 772 8
2011 66 2 905 144 2 899 923 63 2 743 783 6
2012 62 3 405 109 3 422 695 57 3 303 385 6
2013 77 3 700 440 3 708 192 72 3 553 189 6

Buy Audi Q7.

Audi Q7.

Presentation of the all-wheel drive SUV. Audi Q7. It took place on an autowver in Los Angeles. The model is characterized by a capacity, high quality of the interior trim and a super-supported security system with adaptive cruise control, minimizing the likely damage to the driver and passengers in the event of an accident. Auto is designed for 5 seats, but 6- and 7-seater versions are also available. At the request of the buyer, the factory equipment with an independent suspension can be changed (the standard suspension is replaced with adaptive pneumatic, as well as the installation of an additional system for aligning the body rolls). The model is equipped with diesel engines with a turbocharged volume of 3.0 l, 4.2 liters and 5.9 liters.